Senior School

Education at Kardinia International College is based on developing truly international citizens. Through our innovative curriculum and rich international and cultural experiences our Senior School students have many opportunities to make this a reality. We focus on the growth and development of the whole person, emphasising intellectual, personal, emotional and social growth for a life of active, responsible citizenship.

What makes the Kardinia International College Senior School so unique and sets us apart from other schools is the ethos of the College and the culture to which it has given rise to. We value:

  • the positivity and friendliness which typifies interaction between students and between students and teachers
  • the inclusiveness and respect with which our individuality is accepted
  • the focused way in which teachers and students can and do engage in the core business of teaching and learning
  • the almost entire absence of all forms of anti-social behaviour

You are invited to attend one of our College Tours to discover what makes Kardinia International College so truly unique.


The Senior School offers students in Years 7-10 a vertical curriculum leading to either the Victorian Certificate of Education or the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in Years 11 and 12.

By the end of Year 10, students must satisfactorily complete a minimum number of units in each of the major curriculum areas. For example, eight units of English, six units of Science and so on. The vertical curriculum allows students to accelerate in areas in which they are strong, consolidate in areas where they are less able and to specialise in areas in which they have a particular interest.

In some instances students will complete their secondary education in five years while others will do so in the usual six or even seven years. All courses of study are semester based, so students select units for study twice each year. All units have the same time allocation – 200 minutes each week.

Years 7 - 10
Years 11 - 12

Years 7 - 10

The vertical curriculum gives students the opportunity to:

  • complete secondary education over six years having studied all units at an age appropriate level
  • accelerate in one or more key learning areas
  • consolidate, if necessary, in one or more areas
  • specialise in some areas by taking extra units in key leaning areas in which they are particularly talented or interested
  • complete one or two VCE units in Year 10
  • opt to complete either the Victorian Certificate of Education or the International Baccalaureate Diploma in Years 11 and 12

Sport Education

Sport Education which is offered separately from Physical Education classes, occurs on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons for Years 9 and 10 and Years 7 and 8 respectively.

The activities do vary, but typically include: basketball, soccer, table tennis, badminton, dance, yoga, gymnastics, rowing, self-defence, cross training and 10 pin bowling.

Students select sport options for five week blocks. In Terms 1 and 2 students from all year levels participate in training for the two major House competition events in athletics and cross country. Students also have the option to compete in the House swimming carnival, also in Term 1.

The College also fields teams which compete in all major inter-school sports as part of the Geelong Independent Schools Sport Association. Other College teams compete in local competitions. Participation is voluntary. Training usually occurs at lunchtime or after school once or twice per week.

Assessment & Reporting

At the beginning of each semester, teachers provide students with a written statement of the assessment requirements of the unit. Normal expectations are that students will satisfactorily complete all units. In order to proceed to VCE or the IB, it is expected that students will have satisfactorily completed at least 48 units. Parent/teacher interviews are conducted in Terms 1 and 3. Formal reports are written at the end of each semester.

For further information, visit our Bridges curriculum website.

Years 11 - 12

Students in Years 11 and 12 at Kardinia are offered a choice of the Victorian Certificate of Education or International Baccalaureate Diploma.

Victorian Certificate of Education

The VCE is a two year program in which students at Kardinia International College usually undertake 14 units in Year 11 and a further 10 units in Year 12. The mix of units can be drawn from all subject areas.

Students in Year 10 have the opportunity to undertake one in some instances, two VCE subjects.

The College offers a number of vocational education units in conjunction with the Gordon TAFE. These units vary from year to year.

For more detailed information, visit our VCE Bridges curriculum page.

International Baccalaureate Diploma

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme was introduced to Kardinia International College in 2005 for students in Years 11 and 12. The introduction of the IB programme at the Diploma level provides a further means of articulating the commitment of the College to international understanding. From the outset the College recognised the fact that in a rapidly changing world, students need to have a broad education that will nurture and challenge them to become principled and reflective learners and listeners.

The IB Diploma Programme requires students to choose from a range of subject areas thereby ensuring breadth of educational experience. The holistic vision of the IB is embedded in the compulsory components:

  • the Extended Essay
  • Theory of Knowledge and Creativity
  • Action and Service

Each of these provides students with the opportunity to develop crucial skills that will prepare them for university study, encourage them to critically evaluate the ways in which they learn and foster in them a sense of active and practical social responsibility. The IB is an excellent foundation for lifelong learning.

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is a renowned worldwide programme of the highest quality which is recognised by all universities around the world.

For more detailed information, visit our IB Bridges page.