From the Principal
Many of you will have seen the article in the Geelong Advertiser and Herald Sun about Kardinia International College being ranked by Better Education 2023 in the top 7% of schools in Victoria. It was affirming of all the great work of our staff and students to see these results and I am incredibly happy to celebrate such success. However, I also know that academic results are just one facet of what makes up a great school and a great education and I am committed to ensuring that we develop students holistically in such a way that they develop many of the soft skills (what we call the SPICE skills) that lead to a greater chance of them successfully navigating their world both now and in the future.
Intercultural understanding is one of the SPICE skills and a cornerstone of our College’s guiding statements. Last week, our International Council ran Multicultural Day in the Senior School to embrace and celebrate the many diverse cultures that enrich our school's tapestry. On Friday, students could come dressed in their cultural dress or something to represent their cultural heritage. This year more students dressed in their immaculate cultural costumes, while many others found ways to represent their cultural heritage through colour or sporting team jerseys. I had a light touch of tartan to acknowledge my Scottish heritage which my late Scottish grandfather would have loved to have seen.
While doing some reading on community building, I learned a new word and I thought it was so pertinent and powerful as a concept for our school community and intercultural understanding. The word is Ubuntu, an ancient African word meaning ‘humanity to others’ or is sometimes translated as ‘I am because we are.’
The five core values of Ubuntu as identified by Mbigi (1997) are survival, spirit of solidarity, compassion, respect, and dignity. As an ideal, Ubuntu means the opposite of being selfish and self-centred. “It promotes co-operation between individuals, cultures, and nations. Ubuntu thus empowers all to be valued to reach their full potential in accord with all around them” (Nzimakwe, 2021).
The values of Ubuntu align well with Kardinia’s core values and motto of Wisdom leads to Respect and Friendship and I believe that, above great academic scores, if our students can live by these values, they will be truly able to make a positive difference to the world.
From the Head of Senior School
Last week saw our annual Multicultural Day, which is one of my favourite days on the school calendar. This is very much a student-led event, and this was evident in the activities occurring on the day, which included a bake sale, chai tea, a K-Pop dance class and a Rangoli workshop, amongst many others. We truly are an international school and the celebration of culture that occurred on Friday highlights how important this is to our community.
Friday was also our Year 9 Wellbeing Day, with students engaging in workshops focused on enhancing their understanding of wellbeing, self care and emotional engagement. Feedback from students has been really positive and we look forward to 2025’s Wellbeing Day. Thank you to Mr Nick Fairlie for all his work in putting this day together.
We are already looking forward to 2025 and considering subject offerings. We had our Year 11 2025 Information Evening on Tuesday this week and will continue to work with the current Year 10s to ensure that they have made thoughtful and considered decisions about their pathways. Similarly, Year 9 students who are hoping to accelerate into a VCE subject next year have the opportunity to do so via a formal process that has been shared with them in Tutor Groups. Each year our timetable is built around student choice, so making careful decisions allows us to create a program that provides as many preferences to our students as possible.
From the Head of Junior School
Shrek JR.
This week we are excited to present Shrek The Musical JR. The cast and crew have been busy rehearsing double time over the past week in preparation for opening night tomorrow, Thursday 1 August.
For an insight into the production from cast and crew, check out the video below:
Tickets are still available, but seats are filling up fast!
School Photos
Recently, families received information about School Photos being held from 1-6 August for FY-Y12 students. Learning Group teachers will share the schedule with Junior School families this week. We ask that students wear their formal uniform for photos (except for Grove students who are required to wear their Grove uniform and kindergarten students who do not wear uniforms). Students are asked to wear their maroon College jumper, and if wearing shorts, we would prefer white socks. Students without a maroon jumper may be able to borrow one for the photo shoot, so please let your child’s Learning Group teacher know if this is the case.
Toilet Paper Challenge
Year 6 students enjoyed a team challenge of using one roll of toilet paper to create the largest possible perimeter and area last week. After some careful calculations, estimation and planning, the winning team created a square with a perimeter of 1575cm and an area of 155039.0625cm2.
From the Finance Department
Reminder – Term 4 School Fees are due on Friday 2 August, 2024. Payment can be made by BPAY (details on the bottom of your latest account), or by card over the phone by calling Amanda Lauder on 03 5278 9999.
Upcoming School Photos
School Photos will take place on Thursday 1 August, Friday 2 August, Monday 5 August and Tuesday 6 August. All students will have their Tutor Group/Learning Group and individual school photos taken.
All families would have received a unique ordering code via email last week. Please refer to this email to register details for notifications and photo order processing.
All students must be in full academic school uniform for their photos. Students who have a Physical Education class on the day of their photos must still be in full academic school uniform - they should have both uniforms with them and change at school. For the Junior School, Kardinia Grove students will be in their Kardinia Grove uniform.
Please ensure that uniforms are in good repair and that students are fully compliant with all aspects of the uniform including those related to hair, facial hair, make-up and jewellery.
Please see the Schedule for the 4 days below - or click here to download a copy.

VCE Premier's Awards 2024
Congratulations to Year 12 student Haruki Kitai-Gooi and alumnus Merric Platt who attended the recent VCE Premier's Awards Ceremony 2024.
Haruki received a perfect score of 50 in Japanese Second Language as a Year 11 student and Merric, a perfect score of 50 in Furnishing (VCE VET).
Winners of the Junior School Colouring Competition
On Tuesday afternoon, Mr Baron and Ms D’Alessandro (Head of Senior School Art) had the challenge of choosing the winners of the Shrek JR colouring competition.
Thank you for all of our entries, the following winners have each won 4 tickets to see our performance:
- Highview – Aiden W of K3TT
- Lower Primary – Quinn J of FY SM
- Upper Primary – Matilda S of S5SS
If you would like to buy tickets for Shrek JR, click on this link:
Geelong Youth Awards
The Geelong Youth Awards were held on 28 June. The awards aim to recognise and celebrate young people who have made and/or are currently making significant contributions in the areas of leadership, innovation cultural awareness, community work, sport, arts, music and youth development. The awards are open to young people aged between 12 and 25 years old who live, work, learn and play in the City of Greater Geelong.
This year, there were a number of students nominated from our school community, and we would like to share a little more about the achievements of some of the nominees.*Our apologies to any students who may have been nominated from outside organisations, we are proud of all of the students in our community who were represented at these awards,
This week, we will profile those nominated for the Citizenship (Individual) Award - recognising young people that may be described as a champion due to their involvement and dedication to empower others.
Elise Whyte
Elise is a regular recipient of outstanding application and academic excellence awards at school, as well as community awards based on active and ongoing involvement in Earthcore and social just committees as well as peer support and student representative councils.
Elise is a learn to swim teacher and also volunteers at her local ballet centre sharing her love of dance and the joy it brings with her younger peers.
Her achievements include:
Geelong Young Leaders Award Finalist 2020 - Highlighting activism work focusing on improving education opportunities for girls in Timor-Leste
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze and Silver recipient (currently a Gold candidate)
Duke of Edinburgh Young Award Leader - encouraging peers to get involved and give back to the community
Initiated and facilitated a school wide Container Deposit Scheme
OneGirl Youth Ambassador
Geelong Viqueque Friendship Schools regular volunteer (event organisation, fundraising etc)
Elise is an exceptional young lady who goes above and beyond when it comes to her community and the environment. Elise leads by example, taking every opportunity she can to immerse herself in making the world a better place and encouraging her peers to do so.
Edith Kefaloukos
Edith's ongoing commitment to both her school and local community is unwavering and inspirational. Edith has volunteered many hours of her time to raise awareness and funds for many great social justice causes, from organising Cancer Council Biggest Morning Teas to mentoring younger students (from all over the world through the Duke of Edinburgh program) and community members in how they can also give back and become actively involved in community service. Edith organises a monthly community breakfast, creating connections and assisting elderly with IT needs
Her achievements include:
2024 Lions Youth of the Year Public Speaking Award (Club and Regional Level)
Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award Holder - Young Award Leader
Assistance Dog Trainer
Initiated and facilitated of the Laptops for Charity WomanCAN project
At 14, Edith singlehandedly undertook a long-term community service project to raise $22,000 of laptops for charity WomenCAN, who works in the education and training of women in need. The laptops would otherwise have been recycled in what is an increasingly problematic e-waste system in Australia. In 2024 Edith completed the same fundraiser, expanding her engagement and interest in the issue of education equality.
o Edith spent eleven months planning, organising and directly communicating between the charity (often directly to the CEO), Kardinia International College and the wider community.
o Throughout this time, Edith also worked to raise awareness about the issues of education inequality and the digital divide, for which now she is a vocal advocate.
o Edith brought the charity to speak to a group of young people about their work and the impact of the donation.
Edith also regularly helps out as a carer for her an elderly grandparent, while juggling school and all of her voluntary roles in the community.
Zara Coupar
Zara has overcome her own adversity in an attempt to improve the lives and experiences of other young people and members of her local community. She is honest and real. A silent achiever who works hard in the background promoting mental health support and awareness as well as positive body image, Zara has experienced first hand the significant impact of mental health and worked extremely hard to share her understanding.
Her achievements include:
Volunteer for Art of the Minds - raising money and awareness through the organisation and facilitation of local events
Organising and facilitating Embrace Kids Screening event
Deakin Young Scholar Award - for hard work and academic success
Clara Blersch
The hard work and dedication Clara consistently puts in to all she does - not doing it for kudos but to see change in the world - is inspirational. Clara is a Peer Support Leader and Active member of the Earthcore group at school. Volunteering hours and hours to build a more sustainable community and encouraging peers to take action.
Clara is also a very dedicated sports person, coming 3rd at the recent Australian Mountain Bike Marathon National Championships (U19 Women).
Music News
Abby Strachan’s International Music Tour!
Kardinia bass player, Abby (Year 9), has spent the past three weeks touring Europe with all-female soul band, Sweethearts. The girls travelled through Zurich and Montreaux in Switzerland stopping at the Montreaux Jazz Festival. While they were there, they saw performances from artists such as Lenny Kravitz, Sting, Raye & Janelle Monae. They visited Milan for a couple of days before playing shows in Bologna, Vergato, Tole, Camugnano and three amazing performances at the Porretta Soul Festival where they opened the festival alongside jazz legend, Mitch Woods. See Abby performing here: PORRETTA SOUL FESTIVAL 2024 - 25/07/2024 (
The band was very well received and have had offers to return as well as a possible visit to the USA!
The mayor of Camugnano was so happy to have Sweethearts perform there, that a three course lunch was organised in their honour on a long table right in the centre of their village!
What an amazing experience for Abby! This week, she gets straight back into gigging with our own band Square 1 for a Battle of the Bands event on Wednesday August 7 and also the Come Together Festival on Sunday 11 August at the Queenscliff Town Hall. Tickets are online at
Howmans Gap Ski Trip
30 of our Year 9 students made the most of the winter weather last week, on a six-day Victorian Alpine ski trip. The group spent multiple days cross country skiing, as well as some time down hill. During the cross country portion, they also spent a night in tents, camping in the snow!
A big thank you to Jordyn Rinaldi, Jackson Peacock and Roslyn McKenzie for escorting the group.
Library Services News
CBCA Book Week 2024
Theme - Reading is Magic!
Winners announced on August 18 2024
Students have been enjoying interacting with the CBCA Shortlisted books.
We look forward to sharing the Winners…
CBCA Book Week Shortlists
To view the: CBCA Shortlist for the Older Readers, Younger Readers, Early Childhood and Picture Books please click: Here.
Note: Older Reader Books in this category are for mature readers and some may deal with particularly challenging themes including violence and suicide. Parental guidance is recommended.
Multicultural Day
A huge thank you to all the staff and students from the International Council for their amazing organisation of such a huge day of celebrations last Friday!
One of the most important days on the calendar at KIC, a chance to celebrate the rich diversity of cultures that make up our community. Students and staff came along in cultural dress, or the colours that represent the flag from their country of origin.
There was a K-Pop dance class, Japanese Ninja-ball stall, Rangoli workshop, Chai stand and more!
Take a look at some photos below:
Careers News
Year 12 Students - VTAC (Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre) opened this week for applications from year 12 students for 2025 studies. All year 12 students met for a VTAC Briefing Presentation to learn about creating their account, processes, key dates, applications, preferences and more. The resources will be linked for parents and guardians to look at and use as support guides.
A quick note from the team at Study, Work, Grow!:
It's a journey.
Parents and significant adult family members are important for a young person’s career decisions, and you provide a range of support for them through this journey.
From helping them stay calm while exams approach, accompanying them to open days, making sure they’ve had enough sleep, and even helping them learn to drive, you walk with them as they take their first steps into the adult world.
It’s also important to recognise that you play a ‘supporting’ role – you’re not the main character in this story, and your child needs to make some big decisions about their own life and where it will lead them.
It’s ok if they don’t know exactly where they want to go or what they want to do next, provided that they’re making progress, so help them embrace exploration. It’s okay to just have a general direction, an area of interest, or even a few ideas of what to explore further. As guides, we can encourage this exploration and celebrate it as a natural part of the career discovery process.
Year 12 VTAC Information 2024 KIC Briefing
Year 12 Quick Reference Guide 2024
VTAC Tertiary Research Guide 2024
Year 12 VTAC Briefing Checklist & Resources 2024
Year 10 Course Selection & Work Experience opportunities.
On Tuesday afternoon, the year 10s attended an information workshop which was designed to prepare them for year 11 & 12 course selection. The afternoon allowed students to hear from VCE, IB & VET Co-coordinators about the programs that are on offer at Kardinia International College. Alongside reflection and research activities that support with decision making process and in turn course and subject selection for senior years.
It is important that students and families are aware of the information and supports that will be helpful at this time of course selection and pathway planning:
- Morrisby profile
- Past reports
- Reflection of current and recent subjects
- Skill sets & interests within and outside of school
- VTAC website – prerequisite course guide for 2027
- Students are encouraged to speak with subject teachers about course planning
Students are encouraged to draft course and subject choices once they have looked at the prerequisite course guide from VTAC for 2027, prior to booking an appointment with the College Career Practitioners.
Consent Lab
As part of our commitment to equipping our young people with the personal and social skills needed to navigate their adult lives, all Year 10, 11 and 12 students will participate in a 100-minute Personal Development session facilitated by Consent Labs, on Thursday 22 August (week 6 of this term).
The sessions are aimed at teaching students about healthy relationships and issues related to the legal and ethical concerns around consent in a sexual context. Each year level will be addressed separately, with the aim of providing information most relevant to each age group.
In support of these student sessions, we have also invited Consent Labs to provide an online seminar for parents, which will be held on Thursday 1 August at 6.30pm.
In a 1.5hr online seminar for parents, they will address these key topics:
- Consent Foundations
- Digital Consent
- Consent with Alcohol & Other Drugs
- Recognising & Responding to Sexual Harassment and Assault
They will answer questions, such as:
- How can I keep my children safe, even if I have different views about sex and relationships?
- How can I start a meaningful conversation with my children?
- What are some strategies I can use when discussing these awkward topics?
Further information on Consent Labs is attached. The seminar details are found below.
Date: 1st August
Time: 6:30pm-8pm
Session details: Consent Labs & Kardinia College Intl. Parents & Carers Webinar
Teams Link: Click here to join the webinar. Meeting ID: 435 916 542 963 Passcode: MgbYiQ
Wellbeing Hub News
Join us for 'Championing Neurodiversity', with Justin Coulson!
Monday 19 August 7:00 pm AEST (+14 day recording access)
Seminar Highlights:
- Recognise and nurture the unique strengths of neurodivergent children.
- Tailor support to meet the individual needs of each child.
- Implement effective strategies for better behavioural and emotional support.
- Enhance communication and foster positive social interactions.
- Help neurodivergent children build resilience and confidence.
- Promote collaboration and advocate for the needs of neurodivergent children.
Community Engagement and Foundation News
KIC Business Club Launch for Parents and Alumni
A successful KIC Business Club launch was held at The Geelong Club last week.
Guest speaker, Deakin Lecturer Dr Graeme Pye from the Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics (DISBA) presented The Future of Business in Geelong.
A schedule of future events is being developed. Do not miss the next opportunity to network and be part of the KIC Business Club!
The College Community Council
Alumni - Where Are They Now
Alumnus Shane McInnes (Class of 2002) is currenting reporting at the Paris Olympic Games for 3AW and 9News. Keep an ear out for his commentaries. Are any other alumni currently in Paris watching the Games? We would love to hear from you!
Congratulations Shane!
Alumni Reunions - Save The Date!
The Reunions for the Classes of 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014, 2019 & 2023 are coming up in November. Further details and RSVP links for each reunion, will be released in upcoming e-news.
Fiona Russell - Community Engagement & Foundation Coordinator
From the Archives
The Year 2014
This time 10 Years ago, the cast, musicians and crew of the 2014 College Production of ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ were preparing for the October performances. Rehearsals, set construction and costuming were in full swing! The talented line-up included Michael Dimovski as Tevye and Hannah Pohlenz as Golde. Memories!
Photographic credits - The College Archives
Fiona Russell - College Archivist
School TV - Internet Addiction
For children and teenagers, there is no doubt that the Internet can be an excellent resource for information, communication and entertainment, but more and more Australian parents are concerned about excessive time online.
Today’s youth are the early settlers in a remarkable new world. Unfortunately, parents feel as though they are shut out of this world, often not knowing, nor understanding, what happens in this online environment.
It is up to parents to monitor, not just what their children do online, but also the length of time they spend online. Many of the online games children play have parental controls. However, parents do not always choose to use them. Banning is not the answer. A better strategy is to give kids access, but be informed, set some rules, monitor and supervise. To ignore this responsibility could create significant psychological and social problems for their children in years to come.
Click here to watch this episode: