Kardinia eNews - Wednesday 29 May 2024

From the Acting Principal - Paul Dowie

This week we have been celebrating Reconciliation Week.

We have welcomed many visitors to the College to help us learn about and celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and achievements.

Yirrmal performed the Manikay which is the singing in language of clan songs of the Yolngu of north-east Arnhem Land, accompanied by the playing of bilma (clap sticks) for our students and staff.

Sinem Saban, the Director of the film, Luku Ngarra, spoke with students and staff about the impact of policies on the Yolngu people. Sinem gathered her knowledge while filming Luku Ngarra, a documentary on the history and culture of Arnhem Land leading up to the present day.

Aunty Lyn McInnes is a proud Elder of the Palawa nation (Tasmanian Aboriginal people). Aunty Lyn shared with staff her thoughts on the impacts of colonisation on the First Nations peoples of Southeastern Australia.

During the Senior School Reconciliation Week assembly our students were introduced to a new book, My Backyard, which explores the arrival of settlers into the Geelong region and the devastating impact this had on the Wadawurrung people. This book comprises 12 paintings and a poem created by the author, Ron Milligan. Kerry Spina, who is Ron’s daughter, and Vicky Grosser who is president of the Geelong One Fire Reconciliation Group, shared how the book was created, the poem and paintings with our students. Vicky also shared an update on the historic Victorian Treaty process currently being developed. Later in the day, Kerry shared her father’s work with Year Six students who learnt about the clash of cultures which occurred in the early days of Geelong.

Aunty Helen Brotherton is an Elder of the Gunai/Kurnai people. Aunty Helen is a well-known traditional weaver who has worked with students in years five, six and seven during this term. This week Aunty Helen has worked with our Year two students looking at pattern and colour in Aboriginal art.

We are incredibly grateful for the support provided to our students by these Elders, artists, and educators. Our journey towards reconciliation continues with the inspiration provided by these talented people.

This Sunday 2 June, there is a public event called Reconciliation in the Park. Between 10.00am and 3.00pm locals will gather at Johnstone’s Park in Geelong for some music, food, and other activities. Aunty Helen will be there teaching weaving to interested learners! The day starts at 10.00am with a Welcome to Country ceremony. Please consider backing this event by attending and supporting our local community.

From the Head of the Senior School - Kath O'Neill

Yesterday we hosted our very first Teachers versus Year 12s Push-Up Challenge in the Katsumata Centre. One of our Year 12 students, Nathan Lai, is a student ambassador for The Push-Up Challenge, which is a mental health and fitness challenge, where participants complete 3,249 push-ups (or alternative exercises) over 24 days, from 5-28 June this year. The number 3,249 represents the number of lives lost to suicide in Australia in 2022. While some participants choose to raise funds for Lifeline, headspace or The Push for Better Foundation, others participate for the health benefits.

In the first Kardinia event of the challenge, a number of staff and Year 12 students went head-to-head to see who could manage the most push-ups. While it was a very close competition, the Year 12s did win by 30 push-ups this time. We’re looking forward to two more push-up challenge events at school throughout the 24 days of the official challenge.

To contribute to Nathan’s fundraising efforts or to join the Kardinia Team, please visit: https://www.thepushupchallenge.com.au/fundraisers/nathanlai325235

From the Acting Head of Junior School - Geoff Geddes

As a K-12 college, we greatly value cross-age learning. During the past week there have been many examples of this in action. Cross-age learning gives students an authentic opportunity to demonstrate their leadership skills and is a wonderful opportunity for students to learn from one another.

Year 10 Just Do It Coaching

Year 10, Just Do It Coach students work with the Junior school students by conducting coaching sessions focusing on improving their fundamental motor skills. The objective is to improve skills, physical fitness, social skills, fundamental motor skills and enjoyment of sport.

Highview Grove Visits

This week our K4 learners have enjoyed exploring the Grove as part of their Sharing the Planet unit. Students have been scientists, noticing and connecting with nature and considering how they can make our planet better. Visits out to the Grove will continue throughout the year. This is an opportunity for students to connect with their Year 5 Buddies.

Year 2 Writing

Our year two learners have recently enjoyed creating narrative texts and have been given a little help from their Year 4 Buddies. This was part of their current unit of inquiry, How We Express Ourselves. Parents had the chance to learn about their child’s understanding of this unit at their sharing event. Students being able to have an authentic audience is always a great motivation and enjoyed by all.

PYP Exhibition (PYPEX) 2024 Community Primary Resource Survey

We are contacting our KIC community to identify parents (or their connections) who may support the students with their PYP Exhibition inquiries. The form below lists personal interests that our students are inquiring into. We have noticed that in the past mostly all the research being done by the students is primarily from websites. It is REALLY important for the students to connect with primary resources to gather authentic, expert information. If you are willing to be contacted by a student/group, could you please complete the form below.

We have also included information about our Single Subject Classes, where our students have the opportunity to express themselves in a variety of ways. If you have experience, expertise or talents in any of the areas below, our students (and the SST teachers!!) would love to hear from you. If you can help with the creative element of the PYPEX please complete the form below. Jenny Dowie or Karli Mynott will reach out to you with further details. Help in this area will be required from 7 June. For further information you can email Karli on k.mynott@kardinia.vic.edu.au or Jenny on j.dowie@kardinia.vic.edu.au

Thank you in advance for helping our students out!

Link to form

Seeking: Host Families for Gotemba Nishi High School students coming to Kardinia!

There will be a Gotemba Nishi High School homestay group coming in August (20-26). We will be welcoming 19 students from Year 10 to Year 12 - boys and girls - and 2 accompanying teachers. This is an exchange homestay program and a group of Kardinia students will be going to Gotemba in September this year.

It is a volunteer homestay, and families are required to provide all meals, and a bedroom or a shared bedroom during the stay. They are asked to provide care and friendship while the Gotemba students are experiencing and sharing the Australian life and culture. Gotemba students will commute to/from school with their host family members.

Any families who are interested in hosting, please e-mail h.suzuki@kardinia.vic.edu.au for further details and requirements.

A Note from the Finance Department

CSEF (Camps Sports and Excursions Fund)

The CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps, and sporting activities.

If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF.  The allowance is paid directly to the school to use only towards expenses relating to camps, excursions, or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

For concession card holders, CSEF eligibility will be subject to the parent/legal guardian’s concession card being successfully validated with Centrelink on 29 January 2024 and/or 15 April 2024.

The annual CSEF amount per student is:

  • $150 for primary school students
  • $250 for secondary school students.

If you applied for the CSEF at Kardinia International College in 2023, you do not need to complete an application form in 2024 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.  Kardinia International College will apply for the CSEF on your behalf.

You will only need to submit an application form in 2024 if any of the following changes have occurred:

  • new student enrolments: your child has started or changed schools in 2024 or you did not apply for CSEF at Kardinia International College in 2023.
  • changed family circumstances: such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing at the school in 2024

If a form was not lodged in 2023, parents or legal guardians are required to complete a CSEF application form and lodge it with their child’s school for processing.

Application forms should be completed and lodged with Kardinia International College as soon as possible.  Final date for Kardinia International College to accept and process applications is 28 June 2024. However, schools will be able to accept and process applications up until the end of Term Two each year.

CSEF payments are for the current application year and cannot be claimed retrospectively for prior years.

Please note the following: CSEF funds cannot be directly refunded to families.

Please click on the first link below to download the application form, or the second link for further information.

Community Engagement and Foundation News 

Kardinia’s Combined Community Fundraiser for the Cancer Councils Biggest Morning Tea

The Kardinia Community supported Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea across various events this May! Thank you to the generous donations from parents, staff and students, the community raised an impressive $3,451.86!

Included amongst this is the $1,050 raised by Karen Lindorff and KIC Connect in the Junior School, and $692.50 raised at the Bake Sale coordinated by senior school students Edith Kefaloukos, Charlotte Norton and Noah Stanley, supported by the Social Justice Committee.

A huge Shout Out also to Sam Nevin and the CentrePoint Team, Danielle Harmer (Daffodil badges), Yuting Zhao & various staff assisting with this event.

Where Are They Now - Darcy Giddings (Class of 2023)

Alumni Darcy Giddings (Class of 2023) has been selected in the Australian Team for the U/20 World Athletics Championships in Peru between 27-31 August 2024.

"Training and hard work over many years has seen Darcy climb the ladder of discus throwing success.

From Little Athletics beginnings, through local, state and national competitions over many years, his achievement has been hard won and thoroughly deserved. Being able to compete at this international championship will be a vital stepping stone for the future. This pursuit has come while juggling both university and part-time work.

While it’s been a long road to get to this point, it’s also a long road to Peru! Athletics Australia have estimated the cost for athletes to be $6000.

All support would be fantastic. Note that donations for ASF are tax deductible”.


CCC Kardinia Parent Event - Coffee Morning

Starting on the first day of Term 3, there will be a Coffee Morning for all Highview, Junior School, and Senior School Parents and Carers!

Date: Tuesday 16 July, 9:00 am - 10:30 am.

Venue: Gather’d Café, 1/11 Kardinia Drive.

Once you have dropped off your children, please join other Kardinia parents for a first-day-back coffee! This event will be held on the first student day of each term and gives the opportunity to meet, chat and relax with other parents in a casual environment. There are play facilities for toddlers!

KIC Connect Calendar

Fiona Russell - Community Engagement & Foundation Coordinator 

From the Archives

The Garden and Driveway in Front of Morongo House

In the initial image from Morongo's early days, the hedge encircling the Rose Garden is clearly visible, while in the more recent photograph, the driveway conceals it, nestled amidst towering trees. Over the years, the garden's layout has evolved, carefully tended around the mature trees planted by the foresighted early residents.

Photographic credits - Jessie Penny Album within the Morongo Collection, donated by Cherry Laurie.

Fiona Russell - College Archivist 

School TV - Sleep

Children these days seem to be going to bed later and later. Distractions such as TV, computer games, internet, texting friends and social media are all having a negative impact on a child’s sleep time. Sleep is vital to a child’s wellbeing. When children sleep well, they are more settled, happier and ready for school the next day. Sleep also strengthens their immune systems, supports overall development and their ability to function properly on a daily basis. Children who do not get enough sleep show increased levels of aggressive behaviour, are less attentive and are much less active. Trying to catch up on sleep on weekends is not the answer and can still lead to severe sleep deprivation. Recent studies have shown than many children, especially teenagers, are missing out on vital REM sleep, which is particularly important for memory and learning.

Click here to watch this episode: https://kardinia.vic.schooltv.me/newsletter/sleep

Community News