Kardinia eNews - Wednesday 17 July 2024

From the Principal

As Dorothy said to Toto in the Wizard of Oz, there is no place like home. It is great to be back at Kardinia after my sabbatical leave last term. I had a fantastic experience, visited many interesting schools, and had a lot of conversations with esteemed educators, made some great professional connections and had lots of opportunity to reflect on our school and ways we can continue to make it even better. At the same time, I was also able to reflect on how lucky I am to lead such a wonderful school as Kardinia International College. I am really looking forward to Term 3 and reconnecting with our staff, students, and community.

It did not take long for me to experience examples of the talent and passion of our students. First watching House Music live streamed was amazing, I loved all the performances and the songs based on the Shrek theme. It also leaves me extremely excited for our upcoming Junior School musical Shrek Junior this term.

On 28 June I had the opportunity to attend the Geelong Youth Awards 2024 where Kardinia International College had a strong contingent of representatives. The Geelong Youth Awards aim to recognise and celebrate young people and volunteers who have made and/or are currently making significant contributions in the areas of leadership, innovation, cultural awareness, community work, sport, arts, music, and youth development.

The stories from all the participants were so inspiring. None more so than our own Daniel Lim (Year 7) who won the Citizenship Award category which recognises a young person who may be described as a champion due to their involvement and dedication to empower others. Daniel founded his not-for-profit business Casting Dreams in 2022 at the age of 11. His aim is to raise funds to provide opportunities for young people to access performing arts education who could not to afford to otherwise. He has already offered 8 scholarships totalling $5,000 and is continually fundraising so that he can provide more. To raise money, he creates artwork based on shows he has been involved in and sells them on keyrings, badges, and cards. He also donates at least half of his earnings from busking around Geelong to Casting Dreams scholarships. He is passionate about performing arts and volunteers three hours each week to mentor younger children in their classes.

You can find out more on his Casting Dreams Instagram or his Square site.



From the Head of Senior School

Welcome to Term 3!

It’s been so lovely to have all our students back this week and to hear really positive feedback from teachers about their immediate engagement with their studies. Alongside twelve new students, who have come from as far afield as France and Germany, we also welcome four new staff members to the College: Mr Tim Adams, Mr Kyle Edmonds, Ms Sigourney English, and Mr Richard McKinnon.

This week I shared information about The University of Melbourne’s Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholar’s Program with the Year 10 students. This is prestigious scholarship includes access to university events and academic enrichment activities for two years. More information is available from this website.

This week I will also share information regarding 2025 Prefect Nominations with the Year 11 students. Despite only just starting Semester 2, it is important that Year 11s carefully consider whether they would like to apply to be one of the 2025 College Prefects. The role of a prefect is a challenging but rewarding one, with both opportunities and responsibilities. Nominations will close on Friday 9 August.

I’m looking forward to sharing some outstanding student achievements in coming weeks. I love to celebrate our students so if there is something exciting that your child has done, please let me know.

From the Head of Junior School

Welcome to Term 3
Welcome Junior School families to what is going to be an exciting and action-packed term. I have been very impressed over the past two days as to just how well our K4-Y6 students have settled in. I also look forward to welcoming our K3 students back tomorrow.

Staff Professional Learning
On Monday, Junior School staff engaged in some professional learning with inquiry expert, Tania Lattanzio. Tania led a workshop for all staff and remains with us for the rest of the week as she works with each teaching team to further develop their units of inquiry.

Term 3 Key Dates

  • 22-26 July – Kindergarten Photos
  • 25 July – Parent Workshop – Parent Healthy Limits and Boundaries
  • 29 July – Year 1 Assembly
  • 1-3 August – Junior School Production – Shrek Junior
  • 1-6 August – FY-Y12 Photos
  • 5-9 August – Student Support Group Meetings
  • 8 August – Parent Workshop – How to Support Maths at Home
  • 12-14 August – Year 4 Camp
  • 19 – 23 August – Book Week
  • 19 August – Year 5 Assembly
  • 2 September – Year 6 Assembly
  • 12 September – RUOK Day
  • 13 September – Student Free Day
  • 16 September – Morning Melodies Assembly
  • 16 September – PYP Exhibition
  • 17 September – K4-Y6 Student Led Conferences
  • 19 September – K3 Student Led Conferences
  • 20 September – Family Breakfast
  • 20 September – Last Day of Term 3 (2.20pm dismissal)

Enrolment Withdrawal

If you are thinking of withdrawing your child, as per the College's terms and conditions a terms notice is required. Please contact the Marketing and Admissions Department via email: marketing@kardinia.vic.edu.au to lodge the request in writing.

Upcoming School Photos

School Photos will take place on Thursday 1 August, Friday 2 August, Monday 5 August and Tuesday 6 August. All students will have their Tutor Group/Learning Group and individual school photos taken.

All families will receive a unique ordering code via email in the coming days. Please refer to this email to register details for notifications and photo order processing.

All students must be in full academic school uniform for their photos. Students who have a Physical Education class on the day of their photos must still be in full academic school uniform - they should have both uniforms with them and change at school. For the Junior School, Kardinia Grove students will be in their Kardinia Grove uniform.

Please ensure that uniforms are in good repair and that students are fully compliant with all aspects of the uniform including those related to hair, facial hair, make-up and jewellery.

Families who wish to order sibling photos MUST REGISTER via the following link by 11:59pm on Friday 26 July.

Sibling Photos Registrations

Music News

Tune in to KRock 95.5 FM TONIGHT, to hear our amazing Senior School band 'Square 1' featured as part of the stations local music feature! From 7 pm!

Sport News

Late last Term, Kardinia competed in the GISSA Winter Carnival with close to 100 students from year 7 and 8 participating in Soccer, Netball and AFL.

Matches were held at a variety of venues throughout the region with Kardinia hosting the Boys and Girls soccer on June 19.

In Netball, Kardinia competed against Iona, St Ignatius and Christian College. Whilst they didn’t make the finals, students represented the College proudly and Stella Goldstraw was awarded the medallion for best player.

In Girls AFL, students won the majority of their pool matches eventually going down to Geelong College in the Semi Final. Sammi Needham was awarded best player on the day, playing in the ruck for the entire day and kicking a couple of goals along the way.

In Boys AFL, Kardinia again won the majority of their matches, missing out on the final on percentage to Christian College. Tate Hobson was awarded best player for his efforts in the midfield throughout the day.

In Girls Soccer, Kardinia dominated their group scoring 22 goals from their 2 matches. In the final, the girls came up against Iona, and in a hard-fought match, came out on top 1-0. Gemma Barrand was awarded best player for Kardinia on the day.

In Boys Soccer, Kardinia went undefeated through the group stage winning both their matches. Up against Christian College in the Final, the boys went to a penalty shootout with the scores locked at 1-1 at full time. In a thrilling contest, the boys came out runners up with Jacob Madjeric being awarded best player.

Congratulations to all teams that competed as part of the carnival and a huge thank you to our coaches, Dave Newett, Sidney Montano, Dan Lowery, Steve Siketa, Jen Wood and Ali Lever.

Geelong Youth Awards

The Geelong Youth Awards were held on 28 June. Mayor Trent Sullivan said that “each year at the Geelong Youth Awards we recognise the outstanding efforts of our young people to shape their city for the better and inspire their peers”.

The following Kardinia International College students were nominated for these awards:

Active Achievement Award recognising involvement in sport and recreation that has made an impact.

Angus Borschmann – Surf lifesaving

Bella Tarr - Athletics

Evie McDonald – Sailing

Johnny McKeague- Athletics

Zahlie Snijders – Swimming

Citizenship Award recognising young people that may be described as a champion due to their involvement and dedication to empower others.

Clara Blersch

Daniel Lim (winner of this category)

Edith Kefaloukos

Elise Whyte

Genevieve Bass

Zara Coupar

Inspiration Award – recognising young people who can be described as an inspiration to others

Daisy Dripps

Savannah Conway

Leadership Award – recognising young people who have demonstrated leadership within their community through school, work or other pursuits/contributions and is regarded by others as a good role model.

Daisy Dripps

Daniel Lim

Unsung Hero Award – recognising young people who can be described as having a positive attitude, a willingness to help and a commitment in doing so.

Louise Pham (Alumni)

A big congratulations to all participants!!

Art Show - Team Member Sign Up

The Annual Senior School Art Show is on again in Term 4 and we’re on the lookout for passionate students in Level D to Year 12 to join our Art Show Team. This is a chance to dive into the world of art curation and exhibition planning, all with guidance and support from teachers.

As a team member, you’ll meet once a week to brainstorm, organise, and bring the art show to life. You’ll also help with the set and pack up of the exhibition. It’s a fantastic opportunity to learn the ropes of putting together an art show and to leave your mark on what is a cultural highlight each year at KIC.

If you’re ready to unleash your creativity, collaborate with fellow students, and gain invaluable experience, register your interest to be a part of the Art Show Creative team on this form: https://forms.office.com/r/he9tLbyv4i Additionally, if you have questions see Ms. D’Alessandro or Mrs. Kemp for information.

Careers News

Term 3 - How to support your child with decision making and pathway planning:

Having positive conversations will help your child with decision making and pathway planning. The best conversations will stem from open questions, asking your child to further explain, give examples or their own ideas will promote healthy, judgement-free conversations.

  • Which subjects your child enjoys most and why?
  • What interests them outside of school?
  • Skills that they enjoy using or would like to develop in the future?
  • The type of environment that they could imagine themselves working i.e. indoor, outdoor, high pressure, working from home, working in a team of people etc.
  • Hobbies and interests that your child has, could these be further enhanced into a possible career pathway?

Encouraging your child to take up opportunities as they present. Many wonderful experiences, workshops and information sessions are regularly advertised via Careers KIConline newsfeed, emailed direct to students by year level and advertised in Careers Communication - Careers Communication Term 3 Week 1 2024

Opportunities such as completing work experience can be great for skill development while also assisting in decision making. Students from year 9 to 12 have completed the Morrisby Profile, a useful tool to reflect on. Students are able to log into this at any time, to access their reports and the resources available which relate to possible career pathways.

If your child is considering further studies after school, Open Days are an opportunity for students to step foot on campuses, to see the facilities, learn more about courses and entry requirements. Most Open Days take place in August. Please click here for more Open Day information.

Upcoming 'G8way to Construction' event

Student Flyer

Student Registration

Child Safe

Kardinia is committed to providing an environment where students are safe and feel safe.

Our child safety framework explains how we support and maintain child safety and wellbeing at Kardinia. It includes our:

These documents are available on our website: https://www.kardinia.vic.edu.au/about/publications-and-policies

Our students and families are important partners in providing a child safe environment. These newsletter reminders are one of the ways we ensure our school community is aware of:

  • our commitment to child safety, and
  • how to provide feedback or raise child safety concerns.

If you have any concerns about child safety at any time, please contact Matt Baron (Head of Junior School) or Kath O’Neill (Head of Senior School) on 03 5278 9999.

Any child safety complaints or concerns are treated seriously. For more information about our school’s complaints process, see our Complaints and Grievances Policy.

We also welcome your ideas on ways we can improve our approach to child safety and wellbeing.

If you have any suggestions or comments please contact Matt or Kath (above) or email kardinia@kardinia.vic.edu.au

Supporting Parents to Understand Consent Education

As part of our commitment to equipping our young people with the personal and social skills needed to navigate their adult lives, all Year 10, 11 and 12 students will participate in a 100-minute Personal Development session facilitated by Consent Labs, on Thursday 22 August (week 6 of this term).

The sessions are aimed at teaching students about healthy relationships and issues related to the legal and ethical concerns around consent in a sexual context. Each year level will be addressed separately, with the aim of providing information most relevant to each age group.

In support of these student sessions, we have also invited Consent Labs to provide an online seminar for parents, which will be held on Thursday 1 August at 6.30pm.

In a 1.5hr online seminar for parents, they will address these key topics:

  • Consent Foundations
  • Digital Consent
  • Consent with Alcohol & Other Drugs
  • Recognising & Responding to Sexual Harassment and Assault

They will answer questions, such as:

  • How can I keep my children safe, even if I have different views about sex and relationships?
  • How can I start a meaningful conversation with my children?
  • What are some strategies I can use when discussing these awkward topics?

Further information on Consent Labs is attached. The seminar details are found below.

Date: Thursday 1 August
Time: 6:30 pm - 8 pm

Session details: Consent Labs & Kardinia College Intl. Parents & Carers Webinar

Teams Link: Click here to join the webinar. Meeting ID: 435 916 542 963 Passcode: MgbYiQ

Wellbeing Hub News

Join us for 'Championing Neurodiversity', with Justin Coulson!

Monday 19 August 7:00pm AEST (+14 day recording access)

REGISTER HERE: https://happyfamiliesfamilyeducation.ac-page.com/kardinia-international-college

Seminar Highlights:

  • Recognise and nurture the unique strengths of neurodivergent children.
  • Tailor support to meet the individual needs of each child.
  • Implement effective strategies for better behavioural and emotional support.
  • Enhance communication and foster positive social interactions.
  • Help neurodivergent children build resilience and confidence.
  • Promote collaboration and advocate for the needs of neurodivergent children.

Community Engagement and Foundation News 

CCC Kardinia Parent Event – Parent Coffee Morning

On the first day of Term 3, the first Parent Coffee Morning was held at Gather’d Café. This event will be held on the first student day of each term and gives the opportunity to meet, chat and relax with other parents in a casual environment. The space also provides play facilities for toddlers! We hope you can drop in next term!

The College Community Council 

KIC Business Club Launch

The College Community Council invites the Kardinia parent community to the launch of the KIC Business Club.  

Join us at The Geelong Club from 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm on Thursday 25 July as Deakin Lecturer DrGraeme Pye, Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics (DISBA), presents ‘The Future of Business in Geelong’.  

Dr. Graeme Pye received his PhD in information systems security analysis and modelling in 2009. His research is widely published and focuses primarily on the area of Cyber-security. Graeme is currently investigating the cyber-security risk aspects of SMEs within the Australian business context. In particular, focusing on their resilience and the human relationships, including cyber-security preparedness, engagement, confidence, culture, awareness, and training. 
Tickets include a shared ‘after dinner’ menu (charcuterie, cheeses, dips etc) and tea and coffee. 

Tickets are now available at $50 per head. Drinks available at bar prices.  


Don’t miss this great opportunity to network and be part of the KIC Business Club!  

The College Community Council

College Production - Tickets Now on Sale!

Kardinia International College proudly presents the 2024 College Production - Shrek the Musical Junior. Performing for three shows on the Katsumata Stage, the Junior School cast will keep you entertained in this hilarious stage spectacle based on the Oscar-winning smash hit film and outrageous Broadway musical. It’s a “big bright beautiful world” as everyone’s favourite ogre, Shrek, leads a cast of fairy tale misfits on an adventure to rescue a princess and find true acceptance. Part romance and part twisted fairy tale; Shrek Jr. is an irreverently fun show with a powerful message for the whole family.


Alumni - Where Are They Now

Alumnus Christian Cavello (Class of 2004) is Director for Footlight Productions' current production of 'Grease'. With a wealth of experience in theatre, Christian has also taken on the role of Set Designer. Chookas Christian! Tickets available at: https://geelongartscentre.org.au/.../grease-presented-by.../

Alumni Reunions - Save The Date!

Kardinians from the Classes of 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014, 2019 & 2023 have scheduled reunions coming up in November. Please Save The Date! Further details and RSVP links will be released in upcoming e-news.

Fiona Russell - Community Engagement & Foundation Coordinator 

From the Archives

Long Serving Kardinia Staff

With several staff presented with milestone 15 -, 20 - and 25 - year Service Awards this week, the Archives looks back at some very youthful staff members from the early 2000’s.

Photographic credits - The College Archives

Fiona Russell - College Archivist 

School TV - Friendship & Belonging

It is not always easy for children and teenagers to always know how to manage friendships. Learning how to make new friends and keep them involves a number of skills every young person needs to understand and develop. For some these skills will come very naturally, allowing them to easily move between different friendship groups, sharing their experiences and opening up to new people. For others, this can be much harder to navigate. Belonging to a group that is like-minded with similar interests is highly beneficial to a child’s wellbeing. Friendships are full of ups and downs and it is better for kids to learn how to manage and build their own friendships, even though as an adult carer you may be tempted to interfere.

Click here to watch this episode: https://kardinia.vic.schooltv.me/newsletter/friendship-belonging


Future Geelong Leadership Awards

Do you know someone who is making a real difference to the future of our region? Nominate a leader in the Future Geelong Leadership Awards!

The Awards are a great opportunity to honour the exceptional leaders in our community and inspire the next generation to propel our region towards a bright and sustainable future.


Nominations close on July 29.

Chess Club - Term 3