From the Principal
Following on from my eNews last week about the demonstration of gratitude and appreciation displayed by the Australian Olympians, another concept I saw shine through is described by Julia Baird in her book Phosphorescence.
Julia talks about the concept of Freudenfreude, the antonym of the more well-known German word, Schadenfreude, which is the malicious enjoyment derived from someone else’s misfortune.
Freudenfreude is experiencing joy in the success of others. During the Olympics, I not only experienced this myself as I cried tears of happiness on numerous occasions, but I also saw it demonstrated by some athletes in the success of their peers. Jess Hull’s recognition of Faith Kipyegon’s incredible talent and feeling when she stated “[Kipyegon] is just class – we're getting closer but she's still the next level and she's the triple Olympic champion now, so if you are going to get beat by anybody, I'm more than happy for it to be her” is just one example.
Others such as Jess Fox’s total joy when her sister Noemie won gold or Keegan Palmer’s fellow medallists lifting him on their shoulders when he won gold.
This concept of celebrating and experiencing genuine joy in the success of others is something I have witnessed at our school on many occasions, and it is one I hope to see continue to be developed.
It also transcends to wanting to find ways to help others thrive, to support each other and as M. Andrew McConnell notes in their blog “Practicing Freudenfreude reframes thinking in a healthier way. Rather than a zero-sum game where others’ gains feel like our losses, we shift to an abundance mentality. There is enough good fortune for all to share happiness. Furthermore, a Freudenfreude mindset fosters connectedness and community. In a divided world, this emotion reminds us of our shared human experience and innate empathy.”
From the Head of Senior School
A number of Kardinia students have been competing in the Cadet World Sailing Championships in Plymouth, England recently as part of the Australian team. The cadet class of sailing involves a more experienced sailor at the helm who partners with a younger sailor as the crew.
Josh Garner, of Year 11, and his younger brother Will, who will join KIC in 2025, along with Louis Davis of Year 3 and Will Farnell of Year 9 have all been overseas for the past month for this competition.
Josh was elected team captain by the Australian association and took out the world title, along with his partner, to win by ten points. Will Garner and his partner finished 10th, and Will Farnell and Louis finished 15th overall. Congratulations to all these sailors. What an amazing experience for you all!
(Photo Credit - Estelle Davis, Paul Gibbins Photography and Brendan Garner).
We also have some significant achievements shared with us from the Life Saving Victoria Excellence Awards, from the Jan Juc Surf Lifesaving Club. Four of our Senior School students were finalists in these awards:
- Zachary Jonson of Year 12 (Rescue of the Year – Mass Rescue)
- Daisy Dripps of Year 11 (Rescue of the Year – Mass Rescue)
- Josh Gillard of Year 9 (Junior Lifesaver of the Year)
- Lani Steel of Year 12 (Youth Athlete of the Year)
Congratulations to these students not just for this outstanding recognition but also their hours of volunteering.
(Photo Credit - Heidi Johnson)
We love to celebrate the achievements of our students so encourage families to pass on any exciting achievements.
From the Head of Junior School
Book Week Parade and Other Events
Next Monday we kick Book Week off with a Junior School parade. Students are invited to dress up under the theme of ‘Reading is Magic.’ Parents are invited to attend the parade held on the Junior School basketball court at 9.10am and cheer and clap for the participants. Parents are also invited to dress up but it is not essential.
Japanese Speech Competition
Last Sunday, Mynotto Sensei and Aito Sensei supported Junior School students who attended a Japanese Speech Competition hosted by the Japanese Language Teachers Association of Victoria in Hawthorn. Congratulations to Max, James, Jamie, and Gus for representing the Junior School at this event. Thank you to Mynotto Sensei and Aito Sensei for their support too.
Donuts for Dads
The KIC Connect team are organising a special event for Father’s Day on Friday 30 August. All Junior School families are invited to attend a morning tea and donate towards prostate cancer support. See the flyer below for further details. If you want to attend this event, click on the link below and RSVP as soon as possible.
Donuts for Dads Morning Tea RSVP
If you would like to donate to prostate cancer research, you can use the QR code on the flyer or click on the link below.
Donate to Prostate Cancer Support
Down Ball Australia Visit the Junior School
This week representatives from Down Ball Australia visited the Junior School to work with students in Years 3 and 4, as well as our Year 6 House Leaders. The students participated in a down ball workshop focusing on the skills and rules involved when playing this sport. Some students were reluctant at first, not knowing what to expect. By the end of the workshop students were cheering and saying things like, ‘That was great. I know how to play down ball’.
Outdoor Ed News
Attention all Year 10 & 11 students for 2025! Further to last week's announcement, we are excited to provide more information on the first Kardinia International College - Lake Mungo First Nations Immersion, to be held Sunday 1 June - Friday 6 June 2025.
Red Earth has prepared the following video to introduce the experience and provide further details. Please click here to view.
An online briefing session will be held on Tuesday 20 August 2024, from 7pm. Please register for this session at the following link: Kardinia International College & Red Earth Immersion - Parent Information Evening | Humanitix
A Big Thank You to Aito!
Aito is a 2024 graduate of Gotemba Nishi High School (GNHS) our Japanese sister school! He wants to step out of his comfort zone to expand his potential, and has chosen to come to Australia. Aito hosted one of the Japan-Study-Tour-2023 KIC students last December.
From week 1 to week 5 in Term 3, Aito has learnt the Australian way of life and work at KIC, while he stayed in homestay. Most importantly, he has learnt how to make coffee appropriately every Friday at Centrepoint Cafe! He has also spent lots of time in the Junior School alongside Mynotto Sensei, working with the students in their Japanese classes. There have been so many wonderful Japanese-English conversations.
Coincidentally, our KIC graduate from 2023, Angus, has been working at Gotemba Nishi High School at the same time. They have Angus - we have Aito. The bond between KIC and GNHS is getting stronger and stronger each year!
Photo credits - Karli Mynott
Music News - A Big Week for Square 1!
Battle of the Bands
Square 1 won the Battle of the Bands at Belmont High School last Wednesday night! They performed alongside six other Geelong school bands who all performed extremely well. Square 1 was excited to have won first prize - a day of recording at Don't Poke the Bear studios. They have been working on some new originals that they are keen to record for their next EP. Congratulations!
Come Together
The group also performed at the Come Together Festival at the Queenscliff Town Hall on Sunday. The festival was organised by Freeza with the aim of bringing young musicians together to celebrate the contemporary music scene of our region. All groups were school aged musicians and the quality of music was outstanding. It was a fantastic performance and networking opportunity for all participants.
To accompany this experience, performers will take part in the APRA Song Makers program over the September school holidays. Square 1 members will work with producers and music industry professionals to participate in a song writing workshop. A fabulous opportunity for these musicians. Congratulations, Square 1! (Photos below provided by Patrick Callow).
Social Justice Committee News and Current Projects
ASRC (Asylum Seeker Resource Centre) – Food Drive
The Social Justice Committee is running a food drive with proceeds going towards ASRC. Please bring in the food to the donation box located in Student Services from the 12 to the 30 of August. Kindly do not bring baked beans, tinned spaghetti, or tinned soup.
Otherwise any kinds of sealed foods are ok but if in doubt, consult the list of urgently needed items below.
Careers News
Please see the links below for the careers news this week!
Wellbeing Hub News
Join us for 'Championing Neurodiversity', with Justin Coulson!
Monday 19 August 7:00 pm AEST (+14 day recording access)
Seminar Highlights:
- Recognise and nurture the unique strengths of neurodivergent children.
- Tailor support to meet the individual needs of each child.
- Implement effective strategies for better behavioural and emotional support.
- Enhance communication and foster positive social interactions.
- Help neurodivergent children build resilience and confidence.
- Promote collaboration and advocate for the needs of neurodivergent children.
Year 12 students - Save the date for an upcoming event:
Community Engagement and Foundation News
Community - Mother Tongue Club (Chinese)
Homestay Coordinator Yuting Zhao, coordinated a social event for Kardinia’s Mother Tongue Club (Chinese), over the weekend.
The club members enjoyed the gathering and expressed their appreciation that the college provides the opportunity for Chinese-speaking parents and students to meet. They value the opportunity to communicate in their home language with other parents, while the additional supportive documentation in Chinese, assists parents who aren’t quite as fluent in English as their children!
The Mother Tongue Club is an important community group which enables all members of our community to feel connected, informed and able to share and celebrate their culture at Kardinia.
If you would like to be part of this club, please scan the barcode:
KIC PIC Production of Oliver!
The Kardinia Community is invited to the next KIC PIC production of Lionel Bart's 'Oliver!' in the College Hall on Friday 30 August and Saturday 31 August.
Gold coin donation on entry. Tickets at:
Alumni Reunions - Save The Date!
The Reunions for the Classes of 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014, 2019 & 2023 are coming up in November. Save the Date!
We are seeking missing alumni, with the current focus on the Class of 2009! Alumni are encouraged to register on:
Please share with your contacts.
Alumni - Where are They Now?
Alumna Jasmine Dober (Class of 2017) has been cast as Florinda in the Geelong Lyric Theatre's upcoming production of 'Into The Woods'.
Performances open on Friday 4 October 2024 at The Story House in GAC. Tickets available at:
The Kardinians love to hear from our graduates and are currently keen to track down more Alumni, particularly from the Classes of 2009 and 2004. Let us know what you have been up to!
AFLW Kardinians Footy Tipping Competition
If you are a registered Kardinian, you are invited to join the NEW AFLW Footy Tipping Competition. There is no cost to enter!
Leader board winner at the end of the AFLW season (Round 10), will win:
1st place - $500,
2nd place - $375,
3rd place - $250.
Head to onto: for the competition link and further information.

Fiona Russell - Community Engagement & Foundation Coordinator
From the Archives
The Year 2009
Fifteen years ago, it was the Class of 2009 counting downs the days until Graduation.
Class of 2009, what have you been doing since you graduated? The Kardinians would love to hear your journey and share your story prior to your 15 Year Reunion this November.
We are also looking for some lost members from your peer year. If you think you can assist, please contact the Community Engagement & Foundation Coordinator
Photographic credits - The College Archives.
Fiona Russell - College Archivist.
Bullying No Way National Week of Action 12-16 August
Bullying – important conversations to have with your child
Kardinia is participating in the Bullying No Way: National week of action this week.
By working collaboratively within our community, we can collectively help reduce bullying.
Parents and carers play an important role in helping your child understand bullying, and know how to respond to it.
If your child tells you about things at school, or you observe something in public that involves conflict or bullying, take the opportunity to talk about what bullying is. You can learn more about what defines bullying at
Questions you could ask:
- What do you think bullying is?
- Have you seen it? How did you feel?
- Have you ever felt scared at school because of bullying?
- As well as me, who are the other adults you would talk to when it comes to things like bullying?
- Have you or your friends left other kids out on purpose? Do you think that was bullying? Why or why not?
- Have you ever tried to help someone who is being bullied? What happened? What would you do if it happens again?
Remind your child that bullying is never okay and discuss how they can respond safely if they experience or witness it.
Encourage them to seek help from a trusted adult and keep seeking support if needed.
By promoting open communication, we empower children to stand up against bullying and create a safer environment where everyone can feel that they belong.
Last week, students aged 15 or older at the College also completed the Mission Australia Annual Youth Survey. This is the largest online survey of young people in Australia. The survey gives a voice to students with regards to issues such as discrimination. We look forward to sharing results with the college community soon.
School TV - Bullying
Bullying comes in many forms. It has far-reaching damaging impacts on a child's self-esteem, self-worth, resilience and academic success which can carry right through to their adult life. Bullying is a repeated and targeted behaviour and it also relates to how it makes a young person feel as a result of such behaviour. As parent, it is important to understand what is happening before concluding that it is bullying. Online bullying can have a much greater impact and be far more difficult to deal with. Online bullies can engage in inappropriate behaviours 24/7 and invade a young person's home environment where they should feel safe.
Click here to watch this episode:
Nominations Now Open for the Geelong Youth Council 2025
Are you aged between 12-17 and interested in having a say, making a difference, and learning more about local government decision-making?
The City of Greater Geelong is looking for 11 passionate new members from the Geelong region to join the 2025 Youth Council Advisory Committee.
Youth Council is an opportunity to share your ideas, discuss issues affecting young people, provide advice to Council, develop an understanding of local government, build your leadership skills, and make heaps of new friends!
If you are interested in this amazing opportunity, make sure you submit an application for the 2025 Youth Council program.
Nominations are open from 12 August - 13 September so head over to our socials @GeelongYouthCouncil or head to the Geelong Webpage for more information about how to apply (or click the image below).
If you have any questions or require more information jump on to the Youth Council Instagram page - @GeelongYouthCouncil and DM us, or email
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