Kardinia eNews - Wednesday 12 June 2024

From the Acting Principal - Paul Dowie

The injuries sportsmen and sportswomen are faced with can have lasting impacts. Concussion has been widely featured in recent times. The information and policy links provided below are an invaluable resource for the College community and will assist you in understanding our approach to this important matter.

The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) has recently published updated Concussion Guidelines for Youth and Community Sport.  The Guidelines have been developed in consultation with Sports Medicine Australia, as well as doctors and physiotherapists from around the country. They contain best practice information and recommendations for parents, teachers, coaches and others involved in youth and community sport.

The College’s Concussion Policy has been reviewed to ensure the highest level of care for students who experience head injuries that may have resulted in concussion.  To support a safe return to study and sports following a concussion, it is important that you notify the Concussion Officer if your child sustains a concussion outside of school.

Kardinia’s Concussion Officer is our College Nurse, Ms Joanne Drenovac, who can be contacted as follows: phone: 5278 9999, email: j.drenovac@kardinia.vic.edu.au

The Concussion Officer may follow up with a phone call to you to obtain a better understanding of the incident and any doctor’s recommendations.

This information will then be communicated with your child’s teachers to notify them of the concussion and any doctor’s recommendations and requests. Relevant staff will also be informed of any issues that they may need to monitor upon your child’s return to school, thereby helping to minimise the risk of any aggravation to their condition.

Please familiarise yourself with the Concussion Policy and discuss the information with your child as needed. The Concussion Policy can be found on the Kardinia website with our College Policies.

From the Head of the Senior School - Kath O'Neill

We are fast coming up to the end of Semester 1 and there are many events occurring. Tomorrow afternoon our Music Ensembles are sharing the work that they have been rehearsing this year for friends and family, and next week our string players will be part of the Combined Strings Group performance at Christian College. Working together with others towards the goal of a performance in one afternoon is no mean feat but will be well worth it.

We also have the Year 12 Mid-Year Dinner next week, which provides the Class of 2024 with a chance to dress up and enjoy each other’s company after reaching the half-way point in their final year of school. Thank-you to the College Captains, Fadilah and James for their organisation, as well as Mrs Russell for her guidance.

Tuesday 18 June is a Student-Free Day, during which teachers will engage in professional learning. The GAT is on this day, which is undertaken by all students undertaking a Unit 3/4 subject, as well as all Year 2 IB students. Please remember that there will not be buses running on this day, so students involved need to ensure they have transport to school.

Our final day of the term in Friday 21 June, during which we’ll enjoy our annual House Music competition. Each house has prepared some fabulous performances and this is always one of the most hotly contested events of our house competition calendar. The day will conclude at 3:20 pm.

From the Acting Head of Junior School - Geoff Geddes

Reflections during a visit from Mr Takahiro Katsumata

This week I had the pleasure of leading Mr Takahiro Katsumata through our College. Mr Takahiro Katsumata is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Katsumata who are the founders of our amazing school. He is a current board member and always takes the time to visit the Junior School during his visits from Japan.

While touring the Junior School we spoke about many aspects of the school. One area of interest for Mr Katsumata is the way we develop our students as lifelong learners. At Kardinia we approach this in many ways, one of which is to focus on teaching skills. We describe these skills as the Approaches to Learning.

The IB Approaches to Learning skills (ATL) are grounded in the belief that learning how to learn is fundamental to a student’s life in and out of a school context. In broad terms, IB programmes support learners in developing:

  • Thinking skills
  • Communication skills
  • Research skills
  • Self-management skills
  • Social skills

This poster shows an overview of the skills and the sub-skills for each area.

Some practical examples I spoke about with Mr Katsumata included;

The weekly sessions led by our wonderful Learning Diversity & Inclusion teachers. This photo was taken during a session relating to Metacognition (Thinking Skills). Students were discussing their thought processes for working out different math problems. Students discussed how our brains all work differently and that there are often many ways to solve a problem.

Another is our weekly Inquiry Centre sessions. Research skills are taught explicitly. The focus of this lesson was exploring Non-Fiction text features. Students analysed a given image and created a caption as a group. They brainstormed keywords first and then used these to form their final caption. Through this learning engagement, students developed their interpretation skills. After creating their own captions, groups shared their thinking with the class and then viewed the caption written by Britannica.

Finally, these skills are experienced in life outside of the classroom too. Yesterday was a fantastic example of our sports teams showing great resilience (Self-Management skills), while playing soccer at the Geelong North Division Champions. Conditions were very challenging, and both our teams demonstrated grit and resilience. Congratulations to our boys who won the division and our girls that finished runner up.

The ATLs provide us with a shared language across all grade levels and across all aspects of school. They are yet another example of what makes our school so special.

Congratulations Paris

Paris recently travelled to New Zealand to compete in the FISAF Pacific Open Sports Aerobics competition. This 2-day competition included athletes from Australia and NZ. Paris worked extremely hard and placed 1st in the Cadet International Individual section. Congratulations Paris, we are all immensely proud of you.

Enrolment Withdrawal

If you are thinking of withdrawing your child, as per the College's terms and conditions a terms notice is required. Please contact the Marketing and Admissions Department via email: marketing@kardinia.vic.edu.au to lodge the request in writing.

Music News

Level D Music Excursion to Don’t Poke the Bear Recording Studios

Students from Level D Unearthed music class spent the day at Don’t Poke the Bear studios this week. They recorded their own compositions and learnt about the recording process. It was a fun day and the students produced amazing original work. The students were supported by the fabulous audio technicians from Oxygen College - Dave, Pete and Pepe - who made the day so enjoyable.


GoKIC is a Zoom-based program between Gotemba Nishi High School and Kardinia International College. The year 10's from Gotemba Nishi and our year 9 (LOC10 Japanese class) had a good time.

International Student Voice Project - Multicultural Music Festival

Last Friday, the vibrant atmosphere of Centrepoint Café was alive with the melodious celebration of Kardinia International College's diverse cultural heritage. Students sang in their mother tongue languages coincided with a Dragon Boat Festival food sale. This event cultivated a deeper appreciation of various cultures and promoted inclusion in the school community. A big round of applause goes to the International Students Voice Project and the International Council for organising this enriching experience.

Fight MND - Big Freeze 10

The Big Freeze 2024! Get ready to join in - Wednesday 19 June! https://support.fightmnd.org.a...

Sport News

GISSA Championships

We are excited to share that Kardinia International College has won all three major GISSA championships for 2024 - the first time this has happened since 2018!

At GISSA Swimming, KIC won 3 out of 4 shields: Senior Boys, Senior Girls, Junior Girls
At GISSA Athletics, KIC won 3 out of 4 shields: Senior Boys, Senior Girls, Junior Girls
At GISSA Cross Country, KIC won 3 out of 4 shields: Senior Boys, Senior Girls, Junior Boys

A huge congratulations to all involved!


A number of students represented Geelong at the Victorian Country Championship Soccer Tournament in Mildura over the weekend. Congratulations to everyone who made the travelled up and participated. Please see some photos below of Harrison (year 4), Alex (year 5), Rocco (year 4), Frankie (year 7), Arielle (year 7).

A Note from the Finance Department

CSEF (Camps Sports and Excursions Fund)

The CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps, and sporting activities.

If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF.  The allowance is paid directly to the school to use only towards expenses relating to camps, excursions, or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

For concession card holders, CSEF eligibility will be subject to the parent/legal guardian’s concession card being successfully validated with Centrelink on 29 January 2024 and/or 15 April 2024.

The annual CSEF amount per student is:

  • $150 for primary school students
  • $250 for secondary school students.

If you applied for the CSEF at Kardinia International College in 2023, you do not need to complete an application form in 2024 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.  Kardinia International College will apply for the CSEF on your behalf.

You will only need to submit an application form in 2024 if any of the following changes have occurred:

  • new student enrolments: your child has started or changed schools in 2024 or you did not apply for CSEF at Kardinia International College in 2023.
  • changed family circumstances: such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing at the school in 2024

If a form was not lodged in 2023, parents or legal guardians are required to complete a CSEF application form and lodge it with their child’s school for processing.

Application forms should be completed and lodged with Kardinia International College as soon as possible.  Final date for Kardinia International College to accept and process applications is 28 June 2024. However, schools will be able to accept and process applications up until the end of Term Two each year.

CSEF payments are for the current application year and cannot be claimed retrospectively for prior years.

Please note the following: CSEF funds cannot be directly refunded to families.

Please click on the first link below to download the application form, or the second link for further information.

Community Engagement and Foundation News 

College Production - Save the Date!

The Kardinians Community is warmly invited to the upcoming production of Shrek the Musical!

Tell your family and your besties to Save the Date! Performances run between Thursday 1 - Saturday 3 August. All your favourite characters will be there! You'll love it!

Tickets will be released next week!

KIC Business Club Launch

The College Community Council invites the Kardinia parent community to the launch of the KIC Business Club.  

Join us at The Geelong Club from 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm on Thursday 25 July as Deakin Lecturer DrGraeme Pye, Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics (DISBA), presents ‘The Future of Business in Geelong’.  

Dr. Graeme Pye received his PhD in information systems security analysis and modelling in 2009. His research is widely published and focuses primarily on the area of Cyber-security. Graeme is currently investigating the cyber-security risk aspects of SMEs within the Australian business context. In particular, focusing on their resilience and the human relationships, including cyber-security preparedness, engagement, confidence, culture, awareness, and training. 
Tickets include a shared ‘after dinner’ menu (charcuterie, cheeses, dips etc.) and tea and coffee. 

Tickets are now available at $50 per head. Drinks available at bar prices.  https://events.humanitix.com/college-community-council-launch-of-the-kic-business-club

Don’t miss this great opportunity to network and be part of the KIC Business Club!  

The College Community Council 

Where Are They Now - Dr Tahlia Sugrue (Class of 2011).

Dr Tahlia Sugrue was one of our Alumna Dux whose post-graduation journey was recently featured in The Geelong Advertiser.

“After graduating from KIC in 2011, I studied medicine at The University of Melbourne before undertaking my internship and resident years in hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic. I then decided to specialise in General Practice and achieved Fellowship with the RACGP in early 2024. I now practice privately and in community health in Melbourne’s Western suburbs. My special interest areas are in sexual and reproductive health, and I am currently working on setting up a sexual health clinic at our community health centre, where I see a large number of patients from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds.”

Kardinia is proud of our alumni and the range of fields, careers, opportunities and passions that have been pursued post-graduation.

CCC Kardinia Parent Event - Coffee Morning

Starting on the first day of Term 3, there will be a Coffee Morning for all Highview, Junior School, and Senior School Parents and Carers! Add the date to your calendar:

Date: Tuesday 16 July

Venue: Gather’d Café, 1/11 Kardinia Drive

Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am

Once you have dropped off your children, please join other Kardinia parents for a first-day-back coffee! This event will be held on the first student day of each term and gives the opportunity to meet, chat and relax with other parents in a casual environment. There are play facilities for toddlers!

Please complete the RSVP to assist with catering: https://forms.office.com/r/CQAW2fTtfA We look forward to seeing you there!


Wed 12 June- Shrek Rehearsals- 3:30pm-5:00pm. The Hall. All Cast.

Thurs 13 June- Shrek Rehearsals- 3:30pm-5:00pm. JS Conference Room. All Cast.

Fri 14 June Yr 5 Grove Excursion- Bike Hike Session 2.


Mon 17 June Morning Melodies - 9.10am start.

Tues 18 June GAT - student free day for entire school.

Fri 21 June - Last day Term 2. Normal 3:20pm pick up time.

SAVE THE DATE...Shrek Production. 1-3 August.


Wed 12 June- Incursion: Visual arts Open Studio. A10. 3:30pm-6:00pm.

Wed 12 June- Cross Aged Tutoring. Learning Commons. 3:40pm-5:00pm.

Wed 12 June- Karen Homework Club. St Andrew’s Hall. Corio. 4pm-5pm.

Thurs 13 June- Extended Tutor Group. 9:00am-9:40am.

Thurs 13 June- Ensemble Concert. College Hall. 3.40pm-5:00pm.


Tues 18 June GAT - Student free day for entire school

Wed 19 June- Incursion: Visual arts Open Studio. A10. 3:30pm-6:00pm.

Wed 19 June- Cross Aged Tutoring. Learning Commons. 3:40pm-5:00pm.

Wed 19 June- Karen Homework Club. St Andrew’s Hall. Corio. 4pm-5pm.

Wed 19 June- Year 12 Mid-Year Dinner. Bell Park Sports Club.

Thurs 20 June- Combined School String Afternoon. Christian College Campus. 3:45pm-6:20pm.

Fri 21 June- House Music Final. Katsumata Centre. 11:10am-12:50pm.

Fri 21 June- SS Assembly. Katsumata Centre. 2:30pm-3:20pm.

Fri 21 June - Last day Term 2. Normal 3:20pm finish time.

**Please Note that these Calendar Reminders provided are correct at the time of printing but are subject to change.

Fiona Russell - Community Engagement & Foundation Coordinator 

From the Archives

The Debutant Ball

Like many other schools, the Debutant Ball was one of the earliest Senior School events that no longer is part of Kardinia’s tradition. While there are a handful of debutant photos ranging from 2002 to 2007, there is little information which has been retained. We would love to hear from some of our Alumni who participated in one of these social functions, to find out more about the event and the lead up, including the dancing lessons.

The Deb Ball Archive file from 2007 contains a delightful poem penned by Nicola McLean and Tamzen Hayes, along with some photos showing this special event.


‘Twas still a month to go till their chance to be a Grand Debutante

How would they wear their hair; straight, curly, or an elaborate bouffant?

Their plan was to lose some weight before the big night

But the Vines Rd fish and chip shop was too tempting, try as they might.

Although they were a talented bunch, to dance practice they were sent

Despite our best efforts, the dance teacher, her anger she did vent

Who cares about writing essays, arithmetic and a late prac report?

When their greatest dilemma was knowing shoes were not bought.

There was only three days until their long-awaited debut

When the after-party hall cancelled, their plans went askew

Not to be thwarted, another venue was found

Salvation came and to Ocean Grove they were bound.

Their parents had spent the gross national product of a small nation

They’d been spray tanned to the point of “oompa loompa” imitation.

The morning dawned early after a restless night’s sleep

Nothing would stop the 8am appointments they must keep.

Later they met their friends all primped and preened

With photos taken and champagne poured, they entered their limousine.

A toast to the night ahead was made as they hooned the busy street

Arriving fashionably late to the hired paparazzi they were glad to meet.

As the silver curtains slid back revealing the couples pair by pair

An eruption of cheers filled the entire hall with a deafening blare.

With arms out and straight backs, plastered smiles and proper turns

The debs were away with the dances they took ages to learn.

The clacking of heels kept the rhythm as cameras flashed and music blared

They laughed off forgotten moves although the dance teacher looked scared.

After the presentation, dinner began as the band started up with full might

The dance floor was filled as the party danced into the night.

Nicola McLean and Tamzen Hayes

Photographic credits - The College Archives, The Bell 2007.

Fiona Russell - College Archivist 

School TV - Social Media and Digital Reputation

Social media has become such an integral part of a teenager’s life that it can cause anxiety and lower their self-esteem. Modern teens are learning to do most of their communication whilst looking at a screen instead of another person. They are missing out on very critical social skills.

And dependant on what they are communicating online, it can affect their digital reputation. Friendships, relationships and even future job prospects are all at risk. As a parent, It is very important that you are aware of what picture they are painting of themselves online.

Once information makes its way online it can be difficult to remove. Images and words can be misinterpreted and altered as they are easily and quickly shared around. Privacy settings on social media sites need to be managed in order to protect your child’s digital reputation.

Click here to watch this episode: https://kardinia.vic.schooltv.me/newsletter/social-media-and-digital-reputation

Community News

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