Kardinia eNews - Wednesday 5 June 2024

From the Acting Principal - Paul Dowie

Winter has arrived and, along with it, a rise in respiratory infections: Influenza, RSV and COVID-19 infection rates are all significantly increasing in the College community.

The advice and guidance provided below are taken from the Department of Education and the Department of Health. I provide this information to further support our school community during this winter season.

It is recommended that staff members, students or visitors who have symptoms of cold, influenza or COVID-19 undergo testing for COVID-19.

Rapid antigen tests (RATs) are no longer supplied to Victorian Schools.  They can be purchased from local pharmacies and retailers such as supermarkets and petrol stations.

It is recommended that RATs are used by students and staff who:

  • have symptoms of COVID-19 infection, no matter how mild
  • are a household or close contact of someone who has COVID-19
  • are a social contact of someone who has COVID-19.

Should students start displaying symptoms during the school day, parents of symptomatic students will be asked to collect their child from school and keep them home until they are no longer symptomatic.

The Department of Health recommends that staff and students who test positive for COVID-19 isolate for a minimum of 5 days and do not attend school until their symptoms resolve.

If well enough, students will be supported in the same way as students with an extended absence due to illness or injury, with learning materials provided to support their continued learning.

How to reduce the spread of flu and COVID-19

We encourage students and staff to:

  • wash and sanitise their hands regularly,
  • avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands,
  • cover their nose and mouth when they cough or sneeze,
  • maximise external ventilation,
  • stay home if unwell and consult their GP or NURSE-ON-CALL as required,
  • stay up to date with their flu and COVID-19 vaccinations,
  • wear a mask if feeling unwell to help protect those around you.

Flu vaccinations

Annual flu vaccination is recommended from mid-April every year.

Flu vaccinations can be booked through general practitioners (GP) and pharmacies, many of whom can also provide COVID-19 vaccinations. Flu vaccination is recommended for everyone aged 6 months and above.

COVID-19 booster

The 2024 COVID-19 booster dose is available for everyone aged 18 and above.

Getting your booster dose remains the best way to prevent severe illness or hospitalisation, especially in people aged over 65 and those at higher risk of severe illness. You can have your booster dose 6 months after your last dose or COVID-19 infection.

Children aged between 5 and 17 years who are at risk of severe illness can also receive a 2024 booster dose.

You can get your next dose at your local pharmacy or GP. To find one near you, refer to the vaccine clinic finder.

You can receive your COVID-19 and flu vaccinations on the same day. School community members can speak with their usual healthcare provider to see if this is right for them.

Find out more

If you have concerns about your health or getting the COVID-19 vaccine, you can:

From the Head of the Senior School - Kath O'Neill

It’s been a big week of assessments in the Senior School, with VCE Units 1 and 3 coming to an end and students in Years 10 and 11 engaging in semester exams. We’ve been so pleased to see the focus and efforts of our students during this week. Exams can be quite stressful experiences, especially for those students undertaking them for the first time, and we’re very proud of everyone.

I hope that everyone enjoys the long weekend and day off on Monday. Farewell to Chiang Mai Group 2 who heads off on their journey on Monday evening, along with Darrell Nash and Trent Lucas. I know that they will have an amazing experience that will broaden their horizons enormously.

Tuesday 18 June is a Student-Free Day, during which staff will engage in professional learning. This is also the day of the GAT exam, which is sat by all students engaging in a Unit 3/4 subject and all Year 2 IB students.

Term ends at 3:20pm on Friday 22 June; the annual House Music competition will also occur on this day.

From the Acting Head of Junior School - Geoff Geddes

One of the beautiful aspects of the PYP is the focus on action. Students often grapple with the question - How might we not only be sustainable, but how can we actually improve planet Earth and improve the lives of the people on it? There are many ways students can take action, these opportunities are both deliberately planned for and also acted upon when students make their own suggestions. We describe the types of action as;


Being actively involved in the learning community and showing commitment to contributing as individuals and as members of a group.


Taking action individually or collectively to publicly support positive social, environmental or political change.

Social justice

Taking action for positive change relating to human rights, equality and equity. Being concerned with the advantages and disadvantages within society, and with social well-being and justice for all.

Social entrepreneurship

Supporting positive social change through responding to the needs of local, national and global communities; applying prior knowledge and skills to identify and address challenges and opportunities in innovative, resourceful and sustainable ways.

Lifestyle choices

Making positive lifestyle changes in response to learning.

This week I would like to highlight some learning that relates to our commitment to action.

Year 3 Food Systems

Year 3 students have been learning about our food systems and considering how we might improve our systems so that we are being responsible with our production and consumption of food.

Year 4 Precious Plastics

Year 4 students have been working with Precious Plastics while inquiring into the circular economy. They are exploring waste and the world of opportunities that come with waste.

Year 6 Exhibition

The Exhibition is an opportunity for students to consider an area of passion for them, learn more about it, then take meaningful action. The photo below shows the students exploring the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, as they consider the world of possibilities for taking action.

Student Action Committee and Geelong Mums

This morning our Student Action Committee loaded a van full of goods which has been delivered to Geelong Mums. Also pictured is Yashvi from year 3 who initiated this action. Thanks so much to all families for contributing to this action.

Reconciliation Week Learning

Last week students inquired into many aspects of indigenous culture as part of Reconciliation Week. This was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate, reflect and take action.

Seeking: Host Families for Gotemba Nishi High School students coming to Kardinia!

There will be a Gotemba Nishi High School homestay group coming in August (20-26). We will be welcoming 19 students from Year 10 to Year 12 - boys and girls - and 2 accompanying teachers. This is an exchange homestay program and a group of Kardinia students will be going to Gotemba in September this year.

It is a volunteer homestay, and families are required to provide all meals, and a bedroom or a shared bedroom during the stay. They are asked to provide care and friendship while the Gotemba students are experiencing and sharing the Australian life and culture. Gotemba students will commute to/from school with their host family members.

Any families who are interested in hosting, please e-mail h.suzuki@kardinia.vic.edu.au for further details and requirements.

International Student Voice Project

Come and join the International Council and the International Students Voice Project for a 'Multicultural Music Festival'! This Friday 7 June - Lunchtime - Centrepoint Cafe, see you there!

Co curricular News


Surf Boat Update

Earlier in the year, we shared news of Aaden (Year 10) and Charlie (Year 10) and their success with the Bancoora Surf Life Saving Club. The students have competed in 5 IRB (inflatable Rescue Boat) Surf Life Saving carnivals and in a few weeks will be at the championships in Lorne. Well done to you both!

Careers News

Parents of year 12 Students – All year 12 Students have been sent a Careers Survey and booking link. Each year 12 Student is required to meet with a KIC Career Practitioner to ensure that pathway plans are being researched, developed and implemented. When speaking with your child/ren about post school pathway planning, be sure to remind them about booking a careers appointment.

Conversation starters, when talking to your teen about pathway planning:

  • Which subject do you enjoy most at school? Why?
  • What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Could this be a pathway option to research further?
  • Do you have skills you use at school or part-time work that could be useful in future careers?
  • Is there a problem in the work that you would like to help solve? How might you do this?

Our senior school students have had many wonderful careers opportunities to participate in excursions, workshops and webinars this semester. Here are just a few of the wonderful experiences that have been on offer from the Careers Team this semester. Well done to the students who have put themselves forward, made the most of the opportunities provided by the KIC Careers Team. We know that each opportunity, excursion, guest speaker, experience all helps in making meaningful decisions in the future relating to subject selections and pathway planning.

  • Victorian Careers Expo – Melbourne
  • Lunch time workshops presented by Deakin, RMIT, ACU – Australian Catholic University, Victoria University, University of British Columbia
  • KPMG Excursion for Accounting, Business & Economics students
  • HarvestEd Melbourne University Agriculture program
  • Powercor and Citipower. The presentation will focus on energy careers and students with a keen interest and aptitude in physics and maths.
  • VU Careers in Sport for Women

Careers Resources:

Preparing for a GAP Year: https://studyworkgrow.com/start-preparing-for-a-gap-year/

University Open Days: https://studyworkgrow.com/how-to-navigate-university-open-days-for-high-school-students/

Understanding Transferrable Skills: https://studyworkgrow.com/understanding-and-developing-transferrable-skills-in-high-school/

'Meet Melbourne' University of Melbourne in Geelong

Monash Information Evening

University of Tasmania - Schools Recommendation Program and Schools Recommendation Program Timeline

A Note from the Finance Department

CSEF (Camps Sports and Excursions Fund)

The CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps, and sporting activities.

If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF.  The allowance is paid directly to the school to use only towards expenses relating to camps, excursions, or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

For concession card holders, CSEF eligibility will be subject to the parent/legal guardian’s concession card being successfully validated with Centrelink on 29 January 2024 and/or 15 April 2024.

The annual CSEF amount per student is:

  • $150 for primary school students
  • $250 for secondary school students.

If you applied for the CSEF at Kardinia International College in 2023, you do not need to complete an application form in 2024 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.  Kardinia International College will apply for the CSEF on your behalf.

You will only need to submit an application form in 2024 if any of the following changes have occurred:

  • new student enrolments: your child has started or changed schools in 2024 or you did not apply for CSEF at Kardinia International College in 2023.
  • changed family circumstances: such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing at the school in 2024

If a form was not lodged in 2023, parents or legal guardians are required to complete a CSEF application form and lodge it with their child’s school for processing.

Application forms should be completed and lodged with Kardinia International College as soon as possible.  Final date for Kardinia International College to accept and process applications is 28 June 2024. However, schools will be able to accept and process applications up until the end of Term Two each year.

CSEF payments are for the current application year and cannot be claimed retrospectively for prior years.

Please note the following: CSEF funds cannot be directly refunded to families.

Please click on the first link below to download the application form, or the second link for further information.

Community Engagement and Foundation News 

CCC Kardinia Parent Event - Coffee Morning

Starting on the first day of Term 3, there will be a Coffee Morning for all Highview, Junior School, and Senior School Parents and Carers!

Date: Tuesday 16 July, 9:00 am - 10:30 am.

Venue: Gather’d Café, 1/11 Kardinia Drive.

Once you have dropped off your children, please join other Kardinia parents for a first-day-back coffee! This event will be held on the first student day of each term and gives the opportunity to meet, chat and relax with other parents in a casual environment. There are play facilities for toddlers!

Please complete the RSVP to assist with catering: https://forms.office.com/r/CQAW2fTtfA We look forward to seeing you there!

KIC Business Club Launch

The College Community Council invites the Kardinia parent community to the launch of the KIC Business Club.

Join us at The Geelong Club from 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm on Thursday 25 July as Deakin Lecturer Dr Graeme Pye, Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics (DISBA), presents ‘The Future of Business in Geelong’.

Dr. Graeme Pye received his PhD in information systems security analysis and modelling in 2009. His research is widely published and focuses primarily on the area of Cyber-security. Graeme is currently investigating the cyber-security risk aspects of SMEs within the Australian business context. In particular, focusing on their resilience and the human relationships, including cyber-security preparedness, engagement, confidence, culture, awareness, and training.

Tickets include a shared ‘after dinner’ menu (charcuterie, cheeses, dips etc.) and tea and coffee.

Tickets are now available at $50 per head. Drinks available at bar prices.


Don’t miss this great opportunity to network and be part of the KIC Business Club!

The College Community Council

Where Are They Now - Amelia Hawkins (Class of 2000)

Amelia Hawkins, an alumna, shares a special bond with our Bell Post Hill site. She holds the distinction of being one of the earliest graduates of Kardinia, where she later returned as a teacher. Additionally, she attended Morongo Girls School, and a part of her uniform is showcased in the Morongo Collection within our College Archives.

"After my undergraduate degree, I worked in financial analytics for 8 years before spending some time in Japan, working and studying at Osaka University. I came home and did a Master of Teaching and spent 10 years teaching (including a year at Kardinia!) and recently left the profession to pursue my PhD full-time. My research is related to the work of teachers in the hardest-to-staff schools."

The Kardinians appreciate the generosity of our alumni in supporting our current students and recent graduates with advice, mentoring and network connections in their field. Connect with Amelia via LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/amelia-hawkins-b075b7101/

Fiona Russell - Community Engagement & Foundation Coordinator 

From the Archives

The Junior School

Over the years, the iconic 'Lower Primary' building has remained a cherished landmark, holding a special place in the hearts of Kardinia and Morongo Alumni. Despite the subtle changes in its external appearance, such as a widened pathway and the growth of surrounding trees, its essence and historical significance remain deeply rooted.

The western façade still offers a familiar vista, virtually unchanged over time, evoking nostalgic memories for those who have walked its halls. Similarly, while the eastern view may have seen alterations with the addition of garden structures and residential developments, the essence of the building remains intact, albeit framed by newer constructions on the site.

Reflecting on its inauguration in 1952, as chronicled in The Lucerian, one can sense the palpable excitement that surrounded the introduction of the new Junior School at Bell Post Hill. The contemporary accounts speak volumes about the transformative impact of modern infrastructure on the educational experience, emphasising the conducive environment it provided for both learning and leisure.

Throughout its storied history, the building has served various functions, initially housing the Lower Primary and later transitioning to accommodate the arts, including music. Today, amidst its evolving role, it stands on the brink of another phase as it awaits refurbishment as part of the College Master Plan. This transformation promises to preserve its legacy while enhancing its functionality for future generations of students and educators.

Photographic credits - The Morongo Collection. Morongo The First Fifty Years and Lucernian 1952.

Fiona Russell - College Archivist 

School TV - Cyber Bullying

Cyberbullying is a form of bullying using technology such as the Internet or mobile phone. It can be shared widely and quickly with a lot of people, making this form of bullying extremely dangerous and harmful. It has become increasingly common, especially among teenagers. Cyberbullying can be identified as being repeated behaviour by an aggressor with an intent to harm or embarrass someone. This type of behaviour can include posting rumours about a person, posting direct threats or sexual remarks, even disclosing a victim’s personal information. Internet trolling is another common form of cyberbullying often found in online gaming or social media circles. Internet trolls often do this to elicit a reaction or disruption from their victim purely for their own personal amusement.

Click here to watch this episode: https://kardinia.vic.schooltv.me/newsletter/cyber-bullying

Community News

Winter Holiday Basketball Camps are here! If you want to get better these holidays, come and put some work in and enjoy learning some of the ins and outs of basketball with our coaches! Book your spot to #RaiseYourGame for these Winter holidays at Hoop City Geelong! www.hoopcity.com.au