See below for the latest editions of Kardinia eNews.
Kardinia eNews - Wednesday 17 April 2024
From the Acting Principal I am pleased to welcome students and staff back to Term Two after our Easter holiday break. This term Catherine Lockhart, our Principal, will be on leave and so I will be Acting Principal for the remainder of the semester. Matt Baron will replace me as Deputy Principal, with Geoff Geddes taking on the role of Acting Head of Junior School. We welcome several new staff members to our College community. They are: Fiona Duthie – Director of People & Culture Cody…
Kardinia eNews - Wednesday 27 March 2024
From the Principal Well, Term 1 has certainly flown by. It has been a great and jam-packed term with a myriad of events, trips, excursions and so many student achievements, I cannot even begin to name them all. Term 2 may slow down a little but there are still many opportunities and events for students and staff to look forward to. I will be watching from afar, so I take this opportunity to wish all our families and community members all the very best for Term 2 and I look forward to seeing…
Kardinia eNews - Wednesday 20 March 2024
From the Principal This week we have been celebrating Harmony Week at Kardinia. In Australia, Harmony Week is the celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. It is about inclusiveness, respect, and a sense of belonging for everyone. The same ideals are at the heart of our College mission, vision and values and so it makes sense that we celebrate Harmony Week. There have been various events occurring throughout the school.…
Kardinia eNews - Wednesday 13 March 2024
From the Principal It is hard to believe that this year, I entered my sixth year as Principal of Kardinia International College. In many ways the time has flown by but, in others, it feels like a lifetime ago I was anywhere else but in Geelong. I have been teaching since 1989 and have never taken an extended period of leave except when I had five children under three and a half years at home (which was wonderful but certainly not a break). The Board of KIC have very kindly granted me…
Kardinia eNews - Wednesday 06 March 2024
From the Principal Last Thursday, as a school community, we had the most glorious day at Adventure Park celebrating Founders’ Day. It seemed that Mr and Mrs Katsumata were shining down on us again, making sure that the weather was just right, not too hot, and not too cold. It was great to see students and staff across the College mixing together and enjoying each other’s company. There are so many elements of the Katsumata’s legacy that remain front and centre at the College, but it is…
Kardinia eNews - Wednesday 28 February 2024
From the Principal Last Saturday I had the most wonderful experience seeing our students and staff in the parade at Pako Festa. Pako Festa is an incredible celebration of the cultural diversity within our community. It is always such a special event in the Geelong calendar but to see our College represented in the parade for the first time in many years was extra special. I also cheered on more of our staff, students and alumni represented in other groups throughout the parade. This year’s…
Kardinia eNews - Wednesday 21 February 2024
From the Principal On a stunning day like today, I cannot stop but think how grateful I am for the beautiful environment I have the privilege of working in each day at KIC. We are so lucky to have the abundance of amazing gardens and trees around the College where our staff and students can spend time when they are not in class. We also see classes making the most of the surrounds and working outside at times or in the case of How Does Your Garden Grow or our Foundation and Grove students…
Kardinia eNews - Wednesday 14 February 2024
From the Principal The very nature of schools is that it is either go, go, go through the term, or stop through the holidays. This term, so far, has certainly been go, go, go as we dive headfirst into the new school year. Our new Year 7s have returned from camp and, from all accounts, seem to have had a wonderful time. I am extremely grateful to all the staff who headed out to camp with the students and created the atmosphere for such a great experience. We also have some Year 9 students out…
Kardinia eNews - Wednesday 07 February 2024
From the Principal The positive way in which the school year started for our students and staff has continued throughout this week. Our students seem settled and as I walk around classrooms there is a great sense that everyone is focused and doing their best. Speaking of doing their best, last night Ms Howard and I attended the IB Diploma Programme Awards Ceremony where students who achieved a score of 40 or more out of 45 are recognised. Seven of our students were recipients of this award:…