To register your interest in VET, click here.
VET Information
VET Delivered to Secondary Students (VETDSS) allows you to combine your VCE studies with a Vocational Education and Training (VET) program.
VET programs usually run over two years, completed during Year 10, 11 and/or 12 depending on when you start your program.
Programs are generally conducted on a Wednesday afternoon/early evening during school terms from February to November. Some courses may be conducted on a Monday afternoon/early evening. Time for your VET class will be built into your timetable, along with two additional study periods.
Each week, the College will transport you from Kardinia to your VET class. Class finishing time varies from course to course, so you will need to arrange your own transport home.
Some programs require attendance during school holiday periods.
Some VET programs include a Structured Workplace Learning (SWL), which is a valuable opportunity to reinforce classroom learning and provide on-the-job training. SWL will take place during the holidays so it does not interfere with your VCE timetable.
Benefits of VET
VET programs provide you with a unique opportunity to experience a career you might be considering, as well as:
- Strengthening your education by giving you the opportunity to gain practical skills and knowledge that complement your VCE studies
- Contributing to your ATAR score
- Contributing to the eligibility requirements for VCE
- Providing access to a broad range of courses
- Providing clarity about future career options and workplace connections
- Developing ‘Job-ready’ skills and experience in your chosen industry
- Resulting in a nationally accredited qualification
- Achieving a pathway and credits towards higher level courses
- Providing credit to possibly reduce the duration of an apprenticeship
Contribution to VCE
Every VETD program provides a certain amount of credit towards your VCE.
VET programs contribute towards the number of units required for satisfactory completion of VCE.
VET programs can either be scored or unscored:
Scored courses | Unscored courses |
Can be counted within your ‘primary four’ studied for calculation of your ATAR. Assessments may include: Assessed coursework and an external examination (just like any other Unit 3-4 VCE subject) | Can provide one ATAR increment; calculated as 10% of the lowest study score of the primary four – a 10% bonus to your ATAR score! Assessments may include: Written tests, skills demonstration or workplace assessment. Your VET teacher will use a range of tasks to ensure you have achieved competency. |

Course Information
Courses Available
The list of 2025 courses can be found here
Specific information about these courses can be obtained by:
- Registering your interest online (by clicking on link at the top of this page)
- Visiting the VET office (adjacent to the senior study room)
- Exploring the VET KicOnline page
- Visisting the KIC Bridges website
- Getting in touch with the VET Coordinator (
VET fees
VET courses fees:
- are comprised of tuition fees, materials fees and ancillary fees
- are updated and charged annually
- usually range from $2,000 to $3,500 per year
- are in addition to the usual College fee structure
- will be added to your College account as the College receives the invoices
Please note, independent school students do not receive State Government funding so parents/guardian should expect to pay the full cost of the course.
For more information, please contact the VET Coordinator (

Applying for VET
Students wishing to undertake VET need to complete a separate application in conjunction with the KIC subject selection form.
Application forms can be downloaded from VET KICOnline page or collected from the VET Office.