The below units are available for Senior School students interested in studying Media.
The below units are available for Senior School students interested in studying Media.
ARB61: Media Moguls
In this unit, students develop production skills in a range of media forms and genres, including short films and zines. Students investigate selected media products, and those of their own choosing, to understand the power of their construction. They then use this knowledge to produce their own media products. Students also learn how to use dedicated equipment and software for this purpose.
This Unit is offered in Semester One and Two
ARC61: Animation
Throughout this unit, students study styles and techniques of animators from the past and present. They will be given the opportunity to design and develop their own characters and styles based on their investigations. Students utilise computer aided animation programs and create cartoon magazines.
This Unit is offered in Semester One and Two
ARC62: Moving Pictures
This Unit immerses students in the world of filmmaking. Students learn how to script, storyboard, film and edit as they plan and produce short films using a range of filmmaking equipment and software. Students acquire terminology to enable them to evaluate short and feature films.
This Unit is offered in Semesters One and Two.
ARD62: KIC Flix
KIC Flix is a comprehensive unit designed to develop and extend students' creative competence in video production, in light of the changing television landscape and the rise of streaming content. In addition to exploring the construction of media products suitable for streaming, this unit includes studying transmedia, enabling students to understand and engage with the multiform storytelling approach. In addition, students develop technical, script writing, and editing skills as they create, produce, and critique content for contemporary storytelling and explore the implications for the industry.
This Unit is offered in Semester One.
ARD63: Photography
This unit gives an understanding of the basics of digital and film photography. Students learn how to take photographs and print them using both digital technologies and darkroom processes. Students have access to digital SLR cameras, digital editing programs, film SLR cameras and the school’s darkroom. Students develop an awareness of how to use a camera effectively, how to process and print film photos, and are introduced to digital software.
This Unit is offered in Semester One and Two
ARE63: Adv. Digital Photography and Design
In this unit students learn how to use a digital SLR camera effectively and manipulate photos using various computer programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator. In addition, students will develop an awareness of how to scan, save files and print photographs. Students will develop an understanding of the elements and principles of design and develop finished pieces in accordance with their design briefs.
This Unit is offered in Semester Two
ARE64: The Big Screen
The Big Screen is a student-led exploration and celebration of global cinema that focuses on auteurs, movements, genres and theories, culminating in productions that allow students to put their learning into practice. Students have the opportunity to select films that will be studied and to guide the discussion of them, developing their critical thinking and analytical skills along with knowledge of film language and the place of cinema across time and cultures. This combination of theory and practical work is also designed to give students a strong head start to the IB Film and VCE Media courses (while it is not compulsory for students to undertake this subject prior to those courses, it is encouraged).
This Unit is offered in Semester Two